Learning Outcomes and Postmodernism

Learning outcome 4 explain and evaluate the relationship between postmodern and or/contemporary lit and its socio-historical ,political and intellectual contexts.
postmodernism and the  crisis of humanism

'18th century origins of postmodernism manifest in counter-enlightenment philosophers and founders of
 anti -rationalism and romanticism(Hamman,Herder)Denby Postmodernism:Historical and critical contexts.
It is essential that the social and historical context is included in the 4 summeries,therefore I am going to use this blog page to understand the development of postmodernism.
Late 20thcentury 1960s/70s/80s/areas of development of POMO-philosophy-politics-sociology
Must look at Derrida ,Foucault, Deleuze (Denby pomo)
Well the first question is what is it actually about?
It is essence a opposition to structuralism-which is about how words and meanings are ordered centered within 'a close linguistic system'.Thus poststructralism is challenging these assumptions and in particular 'western philosophy'.

So in definition poststructuralism is challenging humanism and essentialism.
Defintion : so whats it doing?
 Modernism                                                                                        Post-Modernism
humanism/essentialism                                                                        post-structure
deferral               a                                                                             fluidity(decentred-fragmented)
fixed   (a fixed ideal or understanding)                                                 inate
reality                                                                                                 identity 
What is happening is a process of deconstruction,which in essence is breaking down the process of which we identify and makes us look as if underneath the paintwork of a picture.

Chief Theory
what has caused all this seemed to be linked to Globalisation -which affects the 'rate flow and direction of finance,information and individuals ,has amplified ,albeit problematically ,the theorising of fluid identity ...
thus disrupting boundries human/machine and human/animal ,further problematise notions of integral identity.'
(Denby POMO historical and critical contexts).
In my next blog I shall start to explore the theorists that I have chosen and how there notions influence the way we deconstruct our world.

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